How comfortable is it to live around Keisei Koiwa Station? Introducing information useful for finding a room
In a nutshell The area around Keisei Koiwa Station is a residential area lined with apartments and condominiums. There is no big downtown area, so th
Search for a room near Iogi Station! Always useful information guide
Quote: https://woman.chintai/article/town/1932_iogi-living-alone/ In a nutshell There is a quiet residential area surrounding Iogi Station. It is cha
Notice of year-end and New Year holidays
We apologize for the inconvenience, but our company will be closed during the year-end and New Year holidays as follows. We apologize for any inconven
Let's live near Keisei Takasago Station! Introducing information useful for finding a room
Citation: https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/Takasago_(Katsushika Ward) In a nutshell Keisei Takasago Station has become established as a town for ordinar
Looking for a room at Fujimidai Station! Thorough explanation of surrounding information
Quote: https://www.chintai.net/app/peyasagashi/article/town/0419_fujimidai/ In a nutshell There is a large shopping street in front of Fujimidai Stat
What is the appeal of the Denentoshi Line? Introducing recommended stations and areas you want to live in
Basic information on the Denentoshi Line Denentoshi Line route information congestion during rush hour 185% Satisfaction level ★★☆☆☆ First train time
The Yamanote Line is convenient for commuting to work or school! What area/recommended station do you want to live in?
Basic information on the Yamanote Line Yamanote Line route information congestion during rush hour 160% Satisfaction level ★★★☆☆ First train time Inne
Let's live on the Toei Oedo Line! Introducing the areas you want to live in and recommended stations
Basic information on the Toei Oedo Line Toei Oedo Line route information congestion during rush hour 157% Satisfaction level ★★★☆☆ First train time Hi
Why is the Seibu Shinjuku Line so popular? There are many convenient and livable areas!
Basic information about Seibu Shinjuku Line Seibu Shinjuku Line route information congestion during rush hour 160% Satisfaction level ★★★☆☆ First trai
Where would you live on the Chuo/Sobu line? Introducing recommended areas
Basic information on the Chuo/Sobu Line Chuo/Sobu Line route information congestion during rush hour 197% Satisfaction level ★★☆☆☆ First train time Mi